Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Lace and Embroidery Design

The term Multi-head Embroidery refers to Electronic computer controlled embroidery machines with from 1 to 30 embroidery heads capable of producing from 1 to 15 colors using an automatic color change mechanism.

There are also automatic jump and trim capabilities.
The maximum stitch length is 12.7mm or 127 embroidery points (about ½ inch)
Larger stitches will be broken down by jump stitches. Over 3 jump stitches in a row will trim.

Designs should be digitized one color at a time and should be approach starting at one side of the design and working your way to the other.

Each section should start where the previous section ended to minimize the amount of jumps and thread trims.

Color changes will appear on your digitizing computer screen as a “C”
Trims will appear as a scissor.
Jumps will appear as a dotted line.

The first project we are going to complete utilizes three stitch types:
Run Stitch
Column stitch or satin stitch
Complex fill stitch.

Complex fill is used to fill large areas but does not have the amount of sheen that a satin stitch has.

Column or satin stitch is used to fill shapes smaller than 1/2 of an inch and for outlining.

Run stitch is used for fine details and thin outlines.

The designs you create must be garment specific. Keep in mind the garment, colors, proportion, and placement.


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