Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yesterday I was talking about my floating dock problems, well as expect the repairman didn't call, didn't stop by. I guess this won't be solved before I leave tomorrow.
On a positive note it is going up to 73 degrees here in NY today and that is very enouraging as the end of this Winter had been unbearably cold, windy and icy.
For those of you in the NYC area or those planning to visit, you might want to stop by FIT's museum and see both their She's Like a Rainbow: Colors in Fashion
November 11, 2006 - May 9, 2007 you can get info online at: http://fitnyc.edu/aspx/Content.aspx?menu=FutureGlobal:Museum:FashionAndTextileHistoryGallery
and their permanent collection FASHION & TEXTILE HISTORY GALLERY: MFIT's New Permanent Exhibition which opened in November 2005, The Museum at FIT launched America's first and only permanent gallery of Fashion and Textile History. The gallery features changing selections from the Museum's permanent collections, which are comprised of more than 50,000 garments and accessories dating from the 18th century to the present - with particular strength in contemporary designer fashion - some 30,000 textiles from the 6th to 21st centuries, as well as 300,000 textile swatches and 1,300 sample books.
If you can, you should stop by admission is free and these are collections unlike any others anywhere.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I just got back from the chiropractor and my back feels so much better, I am going again tomorrow to make sure that I am not going to be in agony in Cleveland later this week. One of the possible reasons for the pain is the fact that due to the strong winds and subsequent surging ocean tide one of the chains holding the left side of my floating dock broke and the dock swung out into the canal in the back of my house. As it did the ramp sipped off and is now hanging in the water. In an attempt to fix it my wife and I each tied a rope to the railings and tried to lift the ramp out of the water, which worked for about a half hour intil the railing started to come apart from the ramp so we had to untie it and go back to the drawing board. As the tide went out the floating dock got stuck on the ramp and is now hanging on its side in the water. I finally gave up trying to fix it myself and called a repairman. Hopefully he will stop by today and fix it. I really want to get this taken care of before I leave on Wednesday morning.
As I mentioned earlier Thursday is the start of the OSQE in Cleveland Ohio I hoe those of you who can make it will stop by the booth and see my Compositions embroidery design software. We have an incredible show special It's only $99. for the software and $44.95 for the collections of 20 designs.
If you want to find out more about the show go to www.sewingexpo.com you will find a full listing of the vendors and the classes which will be taught.
See you there!


Friday, March 23, 2007

Ten years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Irene Zambelli Silverman. We were introduced by a mutual aquaintance who knew we both had an interest in embroidery. Her interest was in hand embroidery and mine was computerized. Her mother was a seamstress and hand embroiderer for many of the New York couture houses and continued knitting, embroidering, sewing, and quilting until her death. Irene and her mother were inseperable and were more like best friends than mother and daughter and in memory of her mother Irene set up the Coby Foundation to promote the creation of all types of needlework arts. unfortunately my good friend Irene was murdered at her townhouse in New York in July of 1998, but her legacy lives on and I know she would be excited to see the many talented people who have benefitted from her generosity. If you have a project that needs funding or would like to put together an exhibit or event to raise the awareness of the often overlooked needle arts contact them at the address below.
By the way The Coby Foundation, Ltd.is in its third year and focuses solely on funding projects in textiles and needle arts. Remember its funding is limited to nonprofit organizations in the Mid-Atlantic and New England.

The Coby Foundation accepts unsolicited proposals and inquiries. Projects may be in arts or humanities, contemporary or historical, but must have a public benefit and combine excellent scholarship and effective interpretation. For more information, contact the director, Ward L. E. Mintz, The Coby Foundation, Ltd., 511 Avenue of the Americas, #387, New York, NY 10011.
Have a great weekend


Thursday, March 22, 2007

I often visit Sadia's blog at http://sadiasews.com/blog1/ to see what new and interesting things she has to say about embroidery, designing, software and techniques. She is a very knowledgable and engaging person. Her original style and beautiful details make her work easily identifiable as hers and hers alone. I've had the pleasure of meeting her on a few occasions and she is always friendly, helpful and full of great ideas.
Back to the weather it is finally warming up her in NY, maybe 56 degrees today but the sudden heat wave has made it very foggy.
I am still working on my article. I set up the embroidery design tentatively yesterday but I think I will have to ammend it for the specific garment.
I've got to get back to work talk to you soon.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Well it is finally the first whole day of Spring but there is really now indication of it in today's weather. It's about 30 degrees and when the wind whips up it feels about 20, but hey say warm weather is on the way.
I am writing an article for Designs in Machine Embroidery and am actually having a difficult time of it. It is supposed to b a project oriented story and that is the problem. I am having a hard time coming up with the perfect project. I am on my way out to the stores in search of some inspiration.
Wish me luck I will check back in tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Last Monday was my first day back from 3 weeks of back to back trade shows. It started with The Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Tampa follwed by the Sewing and Stitchery Expo in Puyllup (just outside of Seattle) and ended at the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Atlanta. Thought out all three shows I had a tooth ache caused by a loose cap. I finally got it pulled on Monday the 12th. It feels so much better. Now I just have to get a bridge made,I also pulled a muscle in my back in Atlanta and so have been at the Chiropractor every other day since.
The show were definately worth it, the Seattle show had about 30,000 attendees but it is such a big show that it is very spread out and you never really know how many are going to make their way to your booth. beleive it or not the best show for me, saleswise was the OSQE in Atlanta.
I will be doing the OSQE in Cleveland next week and I am very excitited as this was always a good show for me when I was the Editor of Stitches Magazine.
I have always taught classes at these shows and that always makes them much more fun, because you get to meet and talk with the attendees one on one.